Takadao Reprotection Pool

  • Reinsurance for the tDAOs is replaced by a Reprotection Pool (rePool) that enables Takadao to make a 0% interest loan to any tDAO that experiences unusually high loss ratios caused by a catastrophic event.

The rePool is an innovative alternative to traditional reinsurance funds within the Takadao ecosystem, utilizing the TAKA token as its native currency. It allows the Takadao community to engage in "reprotection" of Takadao powered DAOs (tDAOs) like TLD while earning yield. Individual tDAOs cannot build external reserve pools independently, but the rePool facilitates this collective reserve accumulation.

TAKA token holders contribute to the ecosystem by locking up their tokens for a specified period, which helps stabilize the token's price. In return, Takadao distributes a portion of its revenue as yield to these stakers. The rePool also serves as an external reserve pool, providing additional funds when tDAOs face unexpectedly high loss ratios. This mechanism complements the tDAOs' Benefit Multiplier Adjuster (BMA), which adjusts reserves and benefits for optimal fund solvency.

If a tDAO's performance drops below the rePool support threshold, the rePool allocates funds to Takadao to cover part of the shortfall, providing a 0% interest loan that the tDAO repays over time if its performance improves. This setup ensures that tDAOs have a safety net beyond their self-adjusting reserves, enhancing overall stability and resilience in the Takadao ecosystem.

For more detail on the rePool and the TAKA token check out the Takadao Whitepaper here

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