M2: Crypto Payments From External Wallet
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Last updated
When making payments with crypto, it’s crucial to select the correct currency and network. If you choose a currency that is not USDC or select a network other than Arbitrum One, your funds may be lost, as they won’t be compatible with our system.
To avoid any issues, we strongly recommend performing a small test transfer first to ensure everything works smoothly before sending larger amounts. This simple step can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure your payment goes through successfully.
Select the “Direct Transfer” option to pay with crypto from an external wallet.
Copy your wallet address or scan the QR code from your external wallet.
Alternatively, open the in-app wallet from the wallet balance.
Click on “Receive” and copy your wallet address or scan the QR code from your external wallet. ⚠️ Ensure that you are sending the correct amount of USDC on the Arbitrum One network.