🌙Takadao Shariah Board Meeting Report 9
Date: 25 March 2024 / 14:00 PM KSA / GMEET
Last updated
Date: 25 March 2024 / 14:00 PM KSA / GMEET
Last updated
Record of Attendance: Reza, Hamid, Akram, Sharene
- Takaful structure chart
Meeting Summary
During the meeting, it was highlighted that using the Takaturn product has shown that DeFi doesn't have to be complicated. The complexities of blockchain and the need to educate people were discussed. In terms of agenda and document sharing, it was mentioned that a graph, a Shariah paper, and a one-pager document were shared. Concerns were raised about Takaturn Shariah compliance. The concept of security deposit and the importance of providing evidence of Shariah compliance in Takaturn were also discussed. The presentation of the Takaful concept was mentioned. It was decided to include a clear statement at the beginning of the presentation and reference specific sections of the AAOIFI standards. The ticketing system for internal Shariah issues and the progress of the Shariah standard operating procedure were mentioned, with a task assigned to send documents for review and feedback.
1. DeFi and Takaturn product
Reza Rayman mentions that using the Takaturn product has taught him that DeFi doesn't have to be convoluted or complex.
2. Agenda and document sharing
Hamid shared a graph, a Shariah paper, a one-pager, and the Takaturn documents.
3. Discussion on Takaturn Shariah compliance
Participants discussed the concept of security deposit in Takaturn and the need to provide evidence of Takaturn Shariah compliance.
4. Presentation of Takaful concept
Hamid explains that the presentation will focus on presenting the Takaful concept and how it avoids prohibited items that are present in conventional insurance.
Sharene raises a concern about the lack of references in the presentation and suggests referencing the AAOIFI standards and other primary texts to provide evidence.
Sharene suggests referencing the AAOIFI standards and specific sections of the standard for evidences. Hamid agrees and plans to include a clear statement at the beginning of the presentation and reference the corresponding AAOIFI standards.
Sharene asks if the process explained in the paper and the visual explanation will be provided. Hamid confirms that the process is explained in the paper and visual explanations will be included.
5. Ticketing system and Shariah board
Hamid mentions the ticketing system for internal Shariah issues and the progress of the Shariah standard operating procedure.
6. Inclusion of Mufti Billal meetings summary on Gitbook
A decision is made to include Mufti Billal in the external Shariah review process.