Takadao Shariah Board Meeting Report 7
Date: 21 January 2024 / 14:00 PM KSA / GMEET
Last updated
Date: 21 January 2024 / 14:00 PM KSA / GMEET
Last updated
Record of Attendance: Reza, Hamid, Akram
Review of the Takasure Shariah paper final draft
Meeting Summary
During the meeting, the participants emphasized the importance of planning and task management. Reza mentioned the need to send slides and get feedback from Sophia, as well as the need to complete individual tasks. They also discussed the final draft of Takashure, creating a Gitbook space for Shariah meeting documents, and the importance of Shariah compliance. Hamid mentioned working on a table to explain Shariah-related terms. They also discussed the growth of the team and the importance of knowledge in Islamic finance. Hamid recommended Akram to take a course on Islamic finance, highlighting its benefits.
1. Planning and Task Management
Reza briefly discusses the team tasks which are part of the weekly sprint on Notion.
2. Discussion about Takasure final draft
Hamid mentioned that the final draft of Takasure is done and ready for review. He also mentioned that it is a living document subject to change with the change of paradigm.
Reza suggested creating a Gitbook space for Shariah meeting documents. Hamid mentioned the need for accessibility for DAO members. They discussed the importance of guidelines and discussed the concept of work from a Shariah perspective.
Reza mentioned that the whole Shariah Board review situation with Takasure showed the robustness of their process and people.
3. Discussion about Shariah compliance
Hamid mentioned working on a table to explain Shariah-related terms in simple words for the white paper.
They discussed the growth of the team and the importance of knowledge in Islamic finance.
They discussed the benefits of a course at INCEIF.